Birthday snack from 1 to

It’s Thursday, and in the middle of the morning you receive a call from a new client, Mathieu, who turns 30 in 4 months. You make an appointment to meet him and discuss his project in more detail.

During this meeting, Mathieu explains to you that there will be about thirty guests. For his birthday, he really wants to mark the occasion and he wants to please those close to him. He wants this moment to be absolutely unforgettable. That’s good, that’s precisely your role!

The project and the theme:

He discusses with you some details that will be of enormous importance. A successful party is thought out down to the small details. Mathieu invites you to go on the theme of cinema, he and his friends are unbeatable on the subject. He wants an atmosphere and a decoration thought out in this theme to the end of the straws! You offer him all the first ideas that come to mind through this theme and according to your client’s desires. You will also discuss the budget allocated to this evening, as well as the location and configuration of the reception hall. You must be able to visualize the space you will have to decorate in order to optimize the place as much as possible.

The search for decorations and service providers:

From there, the serious things begin. You will first of all carry out a whole research work on your theme in order to establish a common thread. You must tell a story by letting your creativity run free in order to build wonderful memories for your client. You will make many trips to find the objects and decorations you have imagined. You will also meet different service providers, especially for pastry, to design a magnificent cake for this theme. You will also regularly update your client on the progress of the project, without saying too much in order to maintain the element of surprise.

This step is one of the most exciting in the business. You are during the preparation time of the party completely immersed in the world that your client will have chosen as the theme. You are looking for everything that could recall this theme even in the furniture, the lighting, the choice of colors, the accessories…

D-day :

Then comes the big day! It’s Saturday, and since the early hours of the morning you’ve been decorating . You then install all your finds, you try to harmonize the colors, the materials and to highlight the cake, the centerpiece of your scene. Every corner of the room is tastefully decorated. You seek to place each decoration and each object with the aim of highlighting them.

You also take care of the table, the cutlery, the name tags according to the seating plan, the table runner and the centerpiece so that everything is perfect. You pay a little attention to Mathieu’s guests with small gifts for the guests. You don’t forget to treat the entrance with an arch of balloons and ribbons and a pretty red carpet that brings the final touch to your room.

Your client discovers his birthday party:

Quite proud of the result, you are only waiting for one thing, to see Mathieu’s reaction when he discovers the room. This moment is magical and intense in emotion. Your client has stars in their eyes. He knew your professionalism, that’s why he chose you. But there he is speechless. You sold him a dream, and he’s more than happy with the result. He will be able to share this happiness with his loved ones.

You then leave satisfied with your work and are already projected into a new universe with a new decor to imagine.

By admin

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